【体育博彩】Dr. Wang Gang: Identifying Herding Amang Financial Analysts


IEF Yaping Wu

On Saturday, November 22, 2016, at 10:00 am, Dr. Wang Gang, ssistant professor at the School of Accounting, Shanghai 体育博彩 of Finance and Economics, shared his paper “Identifying Herding Amang Financial Analysts” at Room 308, Zhonghe Building. The teachers of the Institute of Economics and Finance attended the lecture. This work explores daily analysts' forecasts and exploits the All-American Research Team award as a reputation shock to identify herding among them. Dr. Wang Gang first explained the construction of the theoretical model, and then conduct a comprehensive analysis of the empirical strategy, the various aspects of the problem and the thorough analysis of potential problems. In the course of the speech, our teachers put forward their own thinking, especially the empirical methods and data processing. Dr. Wang Gang discussed with us on these issues. He also conducted in-depth analysis and answers to our teachers' questions. After lunch break, our teachers Guo Huanxiu and Yeochang Yoon also discussed with Dr. Wang Gang about their own thinking on the issue developed by the paper.